Note: EPG Systems is a trademark of DecoRad Systems BV, Fokkerstraat 25, 3905 KV  Veenendaal, the Netherlands. For purchase contacts only use This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  EPG recording (data acquisition) is normally followed by visual Stylet+.exe waveform analysis. Each manual mouse clicks will generate a row in a grid, with a waveform code (col 1), starting time (col 2) and an output voltage (in mV, i.e. gain x input voltage; col 3). Analysis grids are saved in *.ana files (manual Stylet+).

  Next step is data processing of *.ana files. This includes calculation EPG variables, such as waveform durations, ocurrances, times spent untill first waveform occurrances etc., EPG data processing can be done using various programs, macros, or internet mediated. Recently the Spanish CSIC macro (NPAC-EPGv: Journal of Insect Science, (2024) 24(3); has been been introduced. A Dutch routine in R, which seems to work fine but should be tested further. Another routine is the French EPG-Calc, (Université de Picardi, Amiens), which is an internet mediated calculation facility providing results after uploading .ANA files. This works fine but may need some additional comparison tests.

